Your Personal Surrey Pet Crematorium
If you are looking for a Surrey Pet Crematorium to help you with the arrangements for your pet then we, at Chestnut Lodge, will be able to provide you with the service you want for your pet. We are on the Surrey and Sussex border between Gatwick Airport and East Grinstead. You may bring your pet to us or we can collect from your home or vet.

It is an unfortunate fact that we all have to face the passing of our pets. This is probably the last thing you want to think about but we are here to assist you in any way we can. We can assure you that your pet will be handled with the care and respect you want and the cremation carried out to the highest standards possible. All our clients are special to us so please see how Chestnut Lodge, your Personal Surrey Pet Crematorium can help you.
Make Your Arrangements Swiftly and Easily
If you wish to bring your pet to us then please telephone or email if it is easier for you. We just need to arrange an appointment, as we have other clients coming to us, but you can often come straight away. We can also collect your pet from your home or veterinary surgery. We work with a few veterinary surgeries within, or close to, the County of Surrey and they will be happy to organise matters for you if you wish. You may well find that it is more satisfying to come to us direct so you feel part of the service for your pet.
Veterinary Surgeries who we work with are :
Yew Tree Veterinary Surgery, Horsham Road, Cranleigh
Mark Nelson Veterinary Surgery, 81 Woodville Road, Thornton Heath
All Creatures Veterinary Surgery, 85 Lavender Hill, London
Small World Veterinary Surgery, 32 Station Road, Liphook
Mobile Vet Services, South London and North Kent
We advise you to register with us well in advance so that you avoid that moment of distress when you lose your pet and you are tempted to let another vet make arrangements. Often the services provided by other veterinary surgeries will fall short of your expectations and there is no second chance. Although your vet may assure you everything is OK their requirements may be different to yours and a cremation service that is acceptable to one person may be abhorrent to another. If you allow us to help you we guarantee you will not be let down.
See Our Collection and Transportation Details
The Guaranteed Cremation Service You Want For Your Pet
For an individual cremation your pet will be cremated on its own in the chamber. At the end the ashes will all be carefully collected to the extent that all visible remains are swept from the solid hearth of the machine. These are carefully preserved for you and may be returned to you or scattered or buried in our cemetery. The ashes will normally be ready the following day but we can also ensure you have them the same day. You may have the cremation scheduled for a specific time if you want to be present and have the ashes to take home. With scheduled cremations, you may also attend the actual cremation if you wish.
See our individual cremation details
If you do not wish to have the ashes and are content for your pet to be cremated with others then we can carry out a communal cremation where several pets are placed in the cremation chamber side by side. At the end of the cycle, when everything has cooled, all cremated remains are brushed out and transferred to a grave area in the Pet Cemetery. A memorial bed adjoins this area which you are welcome to use. This should not be confused with other services of the same name that may be nothing more than disposals.
See our communal cremation details
How to Find Your Personal Surrey Pet Crematorium
See our detailed page for instructions from all over the area. We are just 8 minutes from Junction 10 of the M23 and there are fast train services from London to gatwick or Three Bridges.
Burial for Your Pet’s Ashes
Plots are available in the Pet Cemetery for the burial of ashes from individual cremations. These are marked by plaques or headstones and the ashes of any number of family pets may be buried in the same plot.
Your Pet will Be Handled With Care and Respect At All Times
Our first Golden Rule of Pet Cremation states that we work as if you were standing next to us all the time. This applies all the way through the process from collection through the cremation and to the handling of the ashes.
We are truly the Pet Crematorium for Surrey that provides the highest standards of care for your pet.
Open 7 Days a Week
We are open between 8 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday and from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. If you need us outside of those times just call and leave a message. There is usually someone here and we will contact you as soon as possible.
How Can the Pet Crematorium for Surrey Help You Now?
If you have already lost your pet then you may wish to contact us on 01342 712976 and we will be able to help you straight away.
If you are planning for the future then please look at what we can offer. Please browse the pages on this site.
We advise you to register with us so that when the time comes it will make everything that much simpler for you. The intensity of feelings when you lose a pet can be a shock to many of you and the last thing you want to do is to rush into arranging a cremation or burial with someone you know nothing about. The standards in our sector vary enormously and there are no second chances.
If you need us or have any questions simply contact us on 01342 712976.
If you are looking for a very personal Surrey Pet Crematorium then we guarantee we will be able to provide you with the best advice and assistance available.